Eye doctors’ dreams – they’re filling prescriptions
We’re zeroing in on our screens in submission
Afflictions, restrictions, divisions are striking
Journalist discourse is less than our liking
We’ve ground to a halt, a standstill, an impasse
Diplomats stiffen our hope in great tresspass
But in the obscure, an elation, a splendor –
The joy of the youth won’t yield nor surrender
Obstacle? Upset? Setback? Concern?
They’ll regroup, restore, and swiftly discern
A sail on the boundary, where we saw none
So bravo to children – my daughter, my son!
COVID can’t somber the laughter inside
Pandemics can’t blot out the joy they provide
Arc de Triomphe! The victory is theirs!
Our model for grasping our state of affairs
Onward and upward; endure, and persist
COVID, you’re out. You’re excused. You’re dismissed!
Esti Stoian, 2020